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In our Infant Room children are exposed to loving care and learning. They each have their own pack-n-play to sleep in and various individual bins/storage options for food, bottles, diapers, and more. In this room we explore books, music, movement, and a variety of learning activities. Our curriculum is introduced to our children in this room.


1 year old

In the one year old room, children begin to develop the ability to enhance motor skills and learn how to play and interact with each other. They are exposed to our curriculum and focus on at least 4 learning objectives per day. In this learning environment, children are exposed to music and books as a core part of their day. We use sign language to help facilitate language growth.

2 year old

In our two year old room, we concentrate on building fundamental skills including: enhancing play skills, sharing with friends, using words to communicate, developing self help skills, and navigating our inside and outside environments. Additionally, we implement our curriculum by addressing math, science, literacy, physical movement, and art concepts. Our focus shifts from being teacher dependent to self reliant by gaining skills such as feeding oneself and potty training.

As your child grows, we build on what your child is already able to do. We explore curriculum in a more in depth manner while learning to recognize our feelings and how to manage them. We begin to explore deeper understanding of core concepts such as numbers, letters, shapes, and colors. Our older three year olds also engage in a true preschool experience.

3 year old


This environment is a time of immense growth. Our focus goes beyond our curriculum to address what school districts desire for incoming students. By the time students leave this room, they are able to write their name, recognize letters and numbers, and complete basic math reasoning. We explore ideas that improve your child's ability to calm themselves including: yoga, breathing exercises, and finding comfort in family photos posted in the calming corner.

School Age

Our curriculum changes depending on your child's school attendance. During the school year, we explore one to two concepts a day to enhance your child's in school learning. During the summer, you child is exposed to the full curriculum in addition to daily hands on experiences including: gardening, mosaics, tie-dye, sand art, and more.